Day 11: Mother’s Little Helper

While the rest of the city was blanketed in snow this morning, the tea connoisseurs sat in their overly-cozy apartment and excitedly started their day off right: with a hot cup of tea!

Brooke: I’m going to open door 11…no wait you should, I punched 10 out yesterday and that freaked you out. Your turn!
Stacey: And… it’s Mother’s Little Helper! Aw, unfortunately I can’t have this one because I’m allergic to ragweed and chamomile is part of that family.
Brooke: Aw, alright Andre, you’re up!
Andre:But this has chamomile! I’m going to fall asleep on the bus!
Brooke: Drink up, me hearty!

Tea: Mother’s Little Helper

Description:Need a little relaxation? Try running for the shelter of this mother’s little helper. It’s got organic valerian (aka “nature’s Valium”) to take the edge off your 24/7 reality. Plus there’s chamomile, peppermint and lemongrass for an added dose of tranquility. And pretty blue cornflowers just to make you happy. One sip and you’ll feel like you’ve spent the day at a spa.

Ingredients: peppermint, lemongrass, hibiscus, rosehips, chamomile, valerian root, cornflowers, peppermint flavouring

Steeping Instructions: 1.25tsp, 96C, 4-7 minutes

Brooke: Oooh it’s pink again! That’s the third tea this month that’s been a rosy colour!
Andre:Mmm, I smell mint.
Brooke: Smart man, that’s the main ingredient!
Andre:Oh, look at me!
Brooke: Yes, yes. Drink!


Andre: Ow, all I taste is hot!
Brooke: Oops.
Andre: Wait, yes, mmmm there’s the mint. The chamomile is there but the cooling effect of the mint is predominant in this one.

Stacey took a quick sip to add her two cents.

Stacey: Hm. Chamomile is weird to have in morning.
Brooke: The things we do for our readers, eh Stace?
Andre: You know, I actually feel less sleepy now!
Brooke: Ugh, all I smell is the lemongrass….. *Sip* oh, wait, yay, the mint protects me! What a great combination of flavours yet again!
Andre: Agreed. Very nice.
Brooke: The mint rounds out the lemongrass and the chamomile so well, it really makes for a perfect evening tea. Take another sip!
Andre: Hooray! I live sips!

Tea Vibes:

Brooke and Andre used Brooke’s voice-speech tool on her tablet, and their final thoughts were detected as:

Andre: I think this TV has a nice floral and sweet flavour due to the lemon grass fire. It has a nice minty finish. I give this to ten ten I see XX.

Brooke: This is the first lemongrass tea I’ve ever had that actually tastes decent and it’s because the mint properly mixes with the lemongrass and makes for a delicious finish! I don’t think I would have again, but it gets the 710.

I guess Brooke’s voice-type feature is a bit better than Stacey’s?

Ah well, another start to another beautiful day here in the capital. Get your work done and get your teas brewing, folks. It’s only 13 days until Christmas!

Until next tea,

Brooke and Stacey (and Andre)

Give ‘er the ol’ 710, doc.