
Hello again readers,

Well, after a delicious meal of maple salmon and roasted potatoes (we promise we’re not a couple… even though technically we *are* common-law), Stacey and I were feeling like a tasty tea to finish off our day. We popped open tea #16 and after retrieving it from the floor (they’re slippery!), we were both thrilled with what we picked up. Checkmate! Stacey had been eyeing this once since we bought the set over two months ago, so she was pretty excited. Oh boy.

Checkmate from DAVIDsTEA

Tea: Checkmate

DAVIDsTEA Tea Description: Game on!

This tea isn’t like a chess game of black versus white, it’s black and white working together. When you mix white Bai Mu Dan with black tea, coconut and chamomile flowers, it creates a rich, satisfying, chocolate flavour. You’ll swear you’re drinking a cup of hot cocoa, even though there’s no chocolate in the blend. It’s so delicious it’ll hold any king or queen in check – now that’s a winning move any way you look at it.

Ingredients: White tea, black tea, coconut, Roman chamomile flowers.

This tea… smelled delicious. We steeped 1.25tsp for 4 minutes in 98°C water and then let our teas cool. By the time they were drinkable, though, I realized I was going to be late for my improvised comedy practice so we improvised (HAH!) and poured our brews into our trusty thermoses for later.

When I got back, it was after 10PM and Stacey was a little hesitant to do the review.

Stacey: No we can’t, the caffeine!

Brooke: *Sip*. Oooh. Oh but it’s SOO good, Stacey.

Stacey: I.. I just.. *sip*

She seemed confused.

Brooke: No? You disagree? You don’t like it?

Stacey: I don’t know, I’ve just never had a tea like this before. I’m trying to figure out what it is.

Brooke: Ah but it’s got such a light nice coconut vibe. I’m digging it.

Stacey: Are there figgs in this? It just reminds me of DAVIDsTEA Apres Ski.

Brooke: I always wondered why white teas were way more expensive than blacks and greens…

Stacey: They do something different with the leaf!

Educational break! White teas are actually made with the bud of Camellia sinensis along with the leaves. The plant withers in natural light, then gets plucked and lightly processed. This stops any further oxidation of the plants tissues. Since there’s such a small amount of processing, white tea contains many more nutrients than its black or green counterparts. It’s all very special. Hence the price.

Stacey: You know, I wouldn’t say there is a hot chocolate taste, nor even a cocoa taste, but there’s a hint of SOMETHING chocolatey. Hmm.. I like it!

Brooke: I just get the balmy feeling of coconut and I love it.

Stacey: I just don’t GET it!

At this point it was late and Stacey was nervous to continue for fear of sleeplessness in the night [Stacey: Hey, it’s a thing, Brooke!]. Unfortunately, our busy lives prevented us from enjoying our brews together the following day  so instead, following a trip to Toronto for me and a weekend of skating on the canal for Stacey, we sat down to have one last cup each to finish it all up. We always make time for tea. And each other. Aw.

Tea Vibes:

Stacey: You know, I would describe this tea as yin yang:  two completely opposite flavours that work well together. On Friday, I brought my thermos to work and was very sad when it was empty. I’m happy we got to have another. : ) I totally get the image of a chess board too. That’s what they were going for with the black and white tea, I bet. I really like it- what a neat mix! I want to buy this one next. 9/10

Brooke: You seem to have really taken liken for it, haven’t you? The coconut flavour is delicious but it’s the only aspect that I really do taste. It’s not too wild- I get how you could fall in love with it. The flavour of chocolate is very faint but the chamomile flowers are an excellent touch. This is most definitely a nice dessert tea to have after a big meal. Yum! 7.5/10

We’ll have to see if this winds up in our cabinet, especially with all our new Nourish Tea loot we recently aquired. In any case, it was well received all around. Maybe you should try it?

[Stacey: my vote is yes! MmmMmm]

Until next tea,

Brooke and Stacey

Knight to E5, baby Ron.

Read My Lips

Hi lovely readers!

With Stacey and I both back in our respective homes, joint tea drinking has come to almost a complete halt. Still, we’ve kept our promise and last night we skyped over a delicious brew- Read My Lips. We attempted to do this tea a week ago when Stacey was visiting my sister and niece but the conversation dwindled down to “Oooh isn’t she the cutest? Look at that smile! What a chubby bub!” and not much discussion occurred about the tea itself.  Here, we attempt the tea yet again with delicious results.

Read My Lips

Tea: Read My Lips

DAVIDsTEA description:

Kiss me, kiss me

Okay, this is probably the world’s best chocolate tea. Honestly. Better than dessert. More reliable than sex. It’s a totally decadent combination of China black tea, vanilla, peppermint, chocolate bits and spicy red peppercorns. Plus it contains little red candy lips for a kiss of sweetness. In other words, it’s a completely satisfying spring experience with no guilt or strings attached.

Ingredients: Chinese black tea, peppermint, dark chocolate, red lip sprinkles, pink peppercorn

Read My Lips is a black tea, so I used 1.25tsp in my cup and Stacey made a pot for her and her parents using thrice the amount (my Mom didn’t know she was allowed to try the tea too and was disheartened I hadn’t invited her- next tea, I promise). I steeped mine extra-long, for about 10 minutes, because the last time I had this tea I felt it was too weak.

Stacey: I smell chocolate and mint.
Brooke: It smells like a steamy sauna.
Stacey: Oooh yes! A eucalyptus smell.
Brooke: How does that…?


Stacey: Mmm. I get more mint than chocolate in this flavour.
Brooke: I taste more chocolate, actually.
Stacey: Maybe because you steeped it for ten minutes?
Brooke: Maybe. Oooh I definitely taste a bit of the mint now.
Stacey: Look at my phone! Look how big it is!
Brooke: Stacey, the tea! The tea!
Stacey: I’m sorry we just haven’t seen each other for so long! So much to say!

Stacey takes a sip and chokes during conversation. “It’s because my sip wasn’t enough and it just…” “Maybe the tea wants you to get back on subject!!”

Brooke: What social situation does this tea remind you of?
Stacey: Uh… what… what do you mean? Like… First day of school? Wedding?
Brooke: Like, awkwardly talking to an old friend at the grocery store or going on a date with your husband of seven years.
Stacey: That’s… an interesting question. It’s hard, any social situation I’m thinking of is all about my own experiences.
Brooke: I think it reminds me of having a conversation with the hotel desk clerk as you check in for the night. You’re excited for the evening.
Stacey: I keep thinking, like, going skiing. Coming in after tubing with close friends in tow.

Tea vibes:

Stacey: It’s minty and chocolatey, that’s for sure. Any lip vibe? Not really. I don’t get the whole “more reliable than sex” part. It’s not more reliable! [Brooke: hehe] I don’t taste too much peppercorn, if any at all. On the other hand, I’ve had this tea a bunch of times and every time I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve never regretted a sip.  If you’re a fan of those minty-chocolate candies then you’ll like it. 8/10

Brooke: This whole tea is like that mint. It’s minty, you like it, you bite down and taste chocolate and are confused, you chew, you swallow. It’s nice! Not like sex, though. No. And the little lips in the loose tea flakes are cute- a super sweet little touch. The loose leaf smells amazing, too. Couldn’t really get the vanilla but I did get a little hint of peppercorn spice at the end! I’d give it a 7/10. It’s not bad, it’s simple, smart, and delicious.

Mmm Mmm, another tea for the books. Ooh! Wait, before we go, we have a special announcement! Stacey and I both entered Nourish Tea’s Grand Holiday Giveaway recently and WE WON! That’s right, on my birthday we were told that we are the proud new owners of EIGHT 100g tins of tea!! Once we’ve finished with 24 Days of Tea, we now have our next batch to review for you! Be excited.

Well, readers, with Christmas right around the corner, we hope you all have a happy and festive holiday with your friends and family. Grab a tea, snuggle up by the tree, and enjoy your well-deserved break. Hey, at least this tea is more reliable than snow on Christmas day.

Until next tea,

Brooke and Stacey

Happy Christmas, Harry. HAPPY!

Cream of Earl Grey

Hello fellow tea drinkers!

After a weekend of dancing and formal events we’re back for another tea time. Let’s jump right in!

Since we skipped two black teas (see our: Crème Brûlée post) and we both had a long day of master’s work ahead of us, we decided to go back for a caffeine-induced black tea.

Brooke: So you push from the bottom and I’ll pull it out from the top. *Pop* Well that was eas– [mid sentence, the tea container flies out of her hand and rolls under the radiator]-y.
Stacey: Ohh…
Brooke: Well… it’s a feisty one, at least…oooh, Organic Cream of Earl Grey!

Cream of Earl Grey
Tea: Organic Cream of Earl Grey

Ingredients:  Black tea, cornflowers, natural vanilla and bergamot flavouring.

DAVIDsTEA Description: “A creamy twist Lovers of Earl Grey adore this creamy alternative to the original blend. You’ll recognize the same high-quality black tea, the same citrus burst of bergamot oil, the same beautiful grey-blue petals. However this version adds a touch of vanilla, and the result is an unexpectedly rich, creamy taste experience.”

This tea was listed as a medium-caffeine black tea, so given our last experience with Salted Caramel, we opted to have one cup each instead of a pot. We steeped 1.5tsp of tea in 98 degree water for approximately 4 minutes.  Then we just let the aroma take over…

Stacey: Oh, it smells like a London Fog.
Brooke: I’m going to love this.


 Stacey: You know for smelling like London Fog, I’m not really getting the London Fog taste. But that’s not a bad thing; I was thinking it would be much like the London Fog you get at a Second Cup. I like this better, because it doesn’t have the extra sugar.
Brooke: Makes me think of my aunt Tracey! : ) She often offers me tea when I come for a visit and it’s always a type of Earl Grey (Lady Grey, I think?). This one is DEVINE. No need to throw any milk or sugar into this baby!

[We paused to watch a video of Brooke’s baby niece talking to a star, a moon, and a sheep. Aaaadorable.]

Brooke: The vanilla is wonderful; it really softens the blow of such a strong tea. Also, babies.
Stacey: I am really enjoying this brew; this is definitely a sip-able, drinkable tea.  Yes, babies.
Brooke: Hopefully the caffeine doesn’t make you go too crazy. We can’t have that again.

Tea Vibes

Stacey: This is certainly not your typical cup of Earl Grey but it’s not too wacky either. DAVIDsTEA doesn’t throw intense flavours at you; just subtle hints of vanilla; that changes it up a bit. If you’re a fan of London Fogs, this is the tea for you (with less of a sugary base, of course). Mmm! A solid tea and a good staple to have in our cupboards. I give it 8/10 because it’s the best Earl Grey I think I’ve ever tasted.

Brooke:  This is a good morning tea; it starts you off on the right foot, creamy and smooth. No milk needed, no sugar needed. Reminds me of my Aunt-tea (get it?). Yep, I’m okay with us buying a batch of this for the cupboard [Stacey: I’m okay with that too, we need some regulars in here]. I know I keep giving this out, but another solid 8.5/10.

What’s a better way to start a morning than babies and tea? Hmm? Exactly.

Well, a bit of a shorter post today, but honestly this tea needs no lavish description to promote itself; it’s a solid brew. Definitely a must-try for Earl Grey lovers everywhere.

Until next tea,
Stacey and Brooke

Here, have this baby in a teacup.